Fellowship of the Creeps Episode 34

Fellow of Creeps LP PicThis week, while we started off to a slow start with server difficulties but after killing a few Freeps, we make our way to the main group.  We get demolished by that group so we move on to try to take TA and actually succeed!

I have mostly been working on LOTRO Players this week because it takes a lot of time to create a website.  Pineleaf has continued his task to do more than every other player in the world this week.  Shurz didn’t get much done this week but he had done so much last week that it made up for it.  Aranthier continued to work on his Creeps and might have gotten a rank this week.

Fellowship of the Creeps is a pre-recorded show but you can join us in game during the recording at 5pm Eastern (server time) on Landroval server.  We create an open group each week that anyone on Landroval can join.  Thanks for watching and see you again next week!

15 thoughts on “Fellowship of the Creeps Episode 34”

  1. Loved the video…Kinda make me want to join in with monster play but I would be a total beginner! Tut Andang at forgetting you were talking about my excellent video! But I shall forgive you as you have given us this wonderful hub in which to gather and share our love of LOTRO and Middle-Earth. Hurrah you took the fort thing tower!

    1. lol what an adrenaline rush. Loved it. Like Lilikate makes me want to do some Ettens stuff but then I think.. no.. I stay in the noob friendly part of Middle-earth ;P

  2. lol…I love you comment for several reasons. Thanks Lilikate.

    And yes I did forget that but I made up for it on my recording of LOTRO Academy this evening. It is not episode 78 but episode 79 should have it in it….assuming it is not edited out.

      1. Both classes are great fun in my opinion. The Warg is a lot more fragile(the most of all the creep classes), but has the benefit of stealth and high manoeuvrability and escapability, as well as high(by Creep standards) burst DPS.

        The Spider is more survivable as you rank up, has more CC ability, as well as debuffs and a spider pet to manage. Note that their DPS is DOT based and thus is not as viable in the Ettenmoors.

      2. Well do you want stealth (warg) or a pet (spider)…both are fairly good at DPS but the warg is more survivable at the beginning…that switches around though by the end

      3. I made a….Weaver! Spent a little time getting familiar with the system. Now to scuttle about getting some point things for new skills.

      4. Weavers are great for afk chatting with friends while in your long burrow. Don’t under-estimate the social aspect of weavers. Of course, you can sit in the safety of grams but why do that when you burrow ;D

    1. We are on every Saturday at 5pm Eastern (server time)…sometimes we start early or late so if it is not up it should be latter…message me if the group is not up and I will make it.

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