Ceodda and Remana: Lore master in Arms

Cousins and Friends

Cousins and Friends

Welcome to Mysteri’s and Lilikates blog which is an account of their two fledging Lore Masters, Ceodda (Lilikate) and Remana (Mysteri), as they travel the paths through Middle Earth in search of the Kings of the North which they have heard many tales about.

Cousins, Ceodda and Remana begin an epic journey through Middle Earth to discover which of them knows the real truth about why the Kings of the North were defeated.  Remana, daughter of Lemana, Keeper of the Texts in Lossarnach, has heard tales and read texts from an early age, all of which confirm that the Men of Arnor, Northern Gondor got what they deserved in battle.  She believes, they were weak and therefore deserve no respect nor honour.

Ceodda, (the dd sounding like a “th”), spent her youth on her family farm, spending her days tending to the animals and helping her mother with the daily chores. Times were getting tough as once peaceful lands were becoming increasingly dangerous. Orcs were being spotted and livestock were disappearing. Her father had recently told the family that soon it wouldn’t be safe enough for them to remain. Plans were in place to move, leaving the farm and living with kin.

We hope you enjoy reading the adventures and learning about the characters, their perspectives of Middle Earth, their faults and their strengths as they discover themselves truly Lore Masters in Arms.

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