One thought on “LOTRO Academy: 67 – Thanks Given”

  1. Excellent off topic podcast.

    Made all the better by mention of moi. I loved the trivia! I made a very nice nest egg and bought me a small hobbit hole in Farrowcleeve. The Shades! They were great. It was my first time seeing them perform. I think I shall be rolling other alt Lilikates on other servers to join in with more community events in future.
    Really sorry I missed that first 20 minutes (I fell asleep after snuggling with small child!) but the after party Liberty Bell was a very nice ending to what was a very warm welcome to the kin.
    I have been tweeking my play style to become better in my class. Paying greater attention to “Skirmishing Responsibly” while having “lots of fun”. More fun as I reap the benefits of advice from listening to Lotro Academy.
    Thanks for mentioning the class roundtables on A Casual Stroll to Mordor. Excellent indepth advice on each class.

    Everyone has been kind on the forums and ingame, excellent advice on both. I hope to post a few screenshots of my own on the forum. I took some during Liberty Bell and one with Mysteria.

    I will be leaving an itunes review. I use UK itunes so it should appear there.

    Great work! Thumbs Up from Lilikate. XX

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