Steed of the Captain

The Steed of the Captain is finally available on the LOTRO Store. I hope you like fringe and tassels.

Update: There are reports that the mount you receive in-game is actually a Blonde horse and not this nice dark brown as pictured in the Turbine promotional material.

Final Update: One of the Quartermasters has chimed in. Good news!

Thank you all for bringing this issue to our attention. The skin color of the Travel Mount was expected to be the colour advertised in the marketing shots. Since it’s not that, we’ve bugged the issue, and are currently resolving it. It is expected to be updated come update 9.

We apologize for any confusion.

Image from Turbine

5 thoughts on “Steed of the Captain”

  1. Is that image a picture of a War Steed or a regular mount. If it’s the War Steed then it’s not really false advertising as you can purchase the hide colour. It it’s the regular mount, then it could be perceived as false advertising.

    And really, if you are going to buy the Steed of your Class b/c it’s for your class, you’re likely going to buy it anyway…

    1. I am going to say the one in the picture above is a travel mount for a few different reasons. 1. Warsteeds appear almost comically huge from the same angle this shot was taken. 2. Riders legs don’t hang that far below the belly of warsteeds. 3. Due to the way the character in this picture is holding it’s weapon indicates it is in combat mode on a non-combat steed.

      All of the steeds prior have always been shown as travel mounts as that is what was in the game at that point. Also, they are selling the “Steed of the Captain, with matching war-steed appearance”, not “Steed of the Captain appearance with matching travel mount”.

      It is either false advertising or a display bug.

      For further fun, check out this post at City’s blog showing the differences between the travel and warsteed cosmetics.

      Re: buying it anyway, some captains I know have, others have specifically stated they wont until the color of the travel mounts hide is the same.

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