Warsteed Roundup

Cosmetic Lotro brings us yet another great set of screen shots featuring a Warsteed wearing some of the Steed of the Eastemnet gear, as well as shows off a great combination of green Entwash and Steed of the Minstrel gear.

Danania gives us (WARSTEEDS) a run for our money by providing you with a lot of great information regarding Warsteed trait set ups. Parts One, Two and Three at the links.

A little highwayman-style hobbit outfit and a spotted Warsteed is on display over at Pony Lovers Anonymous.

Plate Metal Jacket shows us the Dog of War, Warsteed-style.

Cithryth has some neat screenshots from Rohan to show off.


The weekly Warsteed Roundup is just a collection of RoR and Warsteed related links compiled from things we’ve found during the week. If you have a blog and have a link you would like included in the next roundup, let us know.

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