3 thoughts on “Video: Mounted Combat Basics”

  1. Hey Sig!

    Nice video, though on heavy war steeds you might want to zoom out a bit so the horse’s ENORMOUS butt does not fill the screen 😉

    Seriously, you’re quite right. Some folks seem to treat these like Luftwaffe Focke Wulf 190 fighter aircraft and employ boom and zoom attacks.

    I generally prefer combat at half speed, maneuvering to get the bonus that is right out of fighter combat: the extra bleed damage you do when hitting the enemy’s 6. Also it’s simply more fun to latch onto the tail of a moving enemy, blasting them as they attempt to execute a sort of rolling scissors evasion.

    Is that the best way? I doubt it. But it sure is more fun, IMO, that B&Z or turns around a point.

  2. The massive Fury hit makes a good opener. After that, it depends on the situation. I see jousting as much as a defensive technique as an offensive one. You may hit your opponent less often but your opponent is also hitting you less often. This can be critical while fighting warbands.

    As for standing toe-to-toe throughout the combat, I see that as more suited for a heavy war-steed. If you’re not using the extra speed offered by the light steed, then you may as well use the extra defenses of the heavy steed.

    Sometimes I joust, sometimes I wheel, sometimes I stand toe-to-toe. Some day I may even figure out the best times to do each of these.

    1. Totally agreed on your points. In our basic mounted combat training guide I mention using the full fury joust as a combat opener, I just neglected too here! This video is really meant as a supplement to that guide, to add some visual to it.

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