This submission comes from Ehefkae of Eledilmir, otherwise known as Ketani at CSTM.
Head: Light Banded Leather Halter (lootbox drop)
Body: Light Caparison of the Norcrofts (quest reward)
Legs: Light Leggings of the Norcrofts (quest reward)
Hide: Spotted Warsteed (warband drop)
Saddle: Light Saddle of the Entwash (quest reward)
Gear: Torchbearer’s Accessory (lootbox drop)
you match your horse very nicely!
Thanks! I was glad to be able to make something work with the free warsteed dyes available.
Great outfit, looking forward to my next free points addition, so I can get a red colour pack for a dwarf and play around with actual cosmetics.
I think getting my Rohirrim Captain into Eastemnet will be good, as he will have the green and yellow, which is still green free off the bat! Love that halter, I’ll have to keep my eyes open, although, I wish they woul dmake halters that leave the mane visible, I paid good TP for that colour!
Just an FYI, the Torch Bearers accessory that you list as a loot box drop is also available in the store to purchase outright.