After power-levelling through my previous character, Brittanyia, in less than three months, I vowed to take things slowly the next time around. I wanted to ensure that my precious Captain Beornara experienced as much of Middle-earth as she could. As a result, she was still fumbling through Mirkwood and Enedwaith trying to achieve Kindred standing with the remaining reputation factions when Riders of Rohan launched.
Beornara was too far behind to use during the beta, so I unfortunately had to send Brittanyia through in order to get a warsteed and try it out before launch. I found the navigation a bit tricky at first, but in time I started to get a relatively decent feel for it. Mounted combat, however, was a different story: in power-levelling Brittanyia, I’d ended up with a Champion who probably couldn’t fight her way out of a paper bag. The only benefit to having a warsteed was the ability to run away from mobs more quickly.
After much pressure from friends and fellow gamers, I decided to make an attempt to get my level 71 Beornara a warsteed, despite not being ready for Rohan. Turns out I was right: I had to wait until level 73 to pick up the quest from Dala in Langhold.
But as soon as Beornara hit 73, we were back and eager to get that steed. Surprisingly, she and her Oathbreaker herald Beordain had little difficulty taking on level 76 salamanders and brigands (how I wish the same had been true for Brittanyia).
Long story short, I finally got my warsteed, after putting it off for over a week now. As I stated in my introductory post, I have a passion for playing around with cosmetics and appearances in-game, and was really looking forward to customising my warsteed right away.
Turns out you can get a warsteed at level 73, but you can’t customise it or equip any LIs until level 75. I’ll likely continue to use it as my main mode of transportation so that I can adjust to the controls (and stop running off of cliffs) before I start questing in Rohan; but I am the kind of player who hates wearing a mismatched outfit or riding around on a plain-looking horse, so I know I will slowly be going crazy until then. Here’s hoping I make it to 75 real soon – I’m eager to post more on Warsteeds! Additionally, I’ll hold off on posting any of my thoughts regarding the new region/epic line until I’ve spent some more time there – for now, it’s back to Dunland…