The first week of Rider’s of Rohan is coming to an end. Overall, I think it’s been a pretty good launch. Sure it has had it’s share of hick-ups but for the majority of the player base I do not think it has been too bad.
With the expansion we’ve been introduced to the eastern half of Rohan, which is absolutely stunning. The developers did an amazing job bringing the new map life. Each individual zone inside Rohan has it’s own flavor and even the bleakness of the Wold delivers in ambiance and setting.
And then there is the bit, everybody was waiting for… mounted combat and Warsteeds! Mounted combat itself is having some major issues for some players and is working extremely well for others. In time Turbine will get the kinks ironed out and I think it will be a fun, lasting game mechanic.
Beta showed us that the cosmetic system offers a good variety and the ability to make a totally unique Warsteed, but cosmetic enhancement options are at a premium and I think it will be a while before we start to see some tricked out steeds on the live servers.
As with any game launch, it’s fans are talking about it, and we’ve round up some of the past weeks RoR related content for you!
A Casual Stroll to Mordor brings us a few good pieces (anyone surprised?): Merric talks about his first day in Rohan and then later in the week, CSTM posts an interview they did with Chance Thomas, the man behind the epic music score that can be heard in Riders of Rohan.
Even though it is grey and gloomy, and Hymne is obviously sad, Cosmetic Lotro has some awesome (as always!) pictures of her shiny new steed, available for your viewing pleasure.
Danania, the Supergirl of Lorien has an amazing post up showing all of the different Turbine Store Class Steeds outfits on her Warsteed.
The Elven Tailor made it to Rohan under a starry sky, and shows off her Steed.
Yay! A mention on one of my favorite new sites.
Thanks. I hope travellers will find what they seek.