I was getting ready to go out and hunt down some warbands, but decided to stop off at the wardrobe to change some things up a little. This is my standard medium armor set up, dyed orange and umber and using the free orange warsteed gear dye on the Steed of the Hunter Cosmetics. I would have preferred olive green for my hunter as he normally wears, but I did not have the matching color in the warsteed gear colors.

It still looks good. having gone through all the colours just testing without buying I think I prefer the default anyway and the olive as a close second.
looool, you’re riding a Dutch footbal fan steed!
Looks good! Supporting Dutch Footbal, keep it going!
It’s nice to see the Class steeds having a war-steed appearance. Now let’s wait and see if the prices for the colors will be lowered…. I assume the war steed appearance will only be available if you’ve got the RoR expansion?
Good luck with your site and your petition. I’ve signed it even though I don’t have the expansion yet.
It might not be the same lovely shade of Olive, but Forest Green is one of the default Warsteed colours, IIRC.
It is indeed, and used on the Steed of the Hunter Cosmetics, it comes out about the same color as green skittles candy. It is extremely bright!