Getting Your Warsteed

There are two quest arcs that ultimately end up merging together and sending you to the Harwick Stables to pick up your warsteed. This guide is going to focus on the most efficient and direct route to obtaining your steed. 

The quickest way to obtaining your warsteed is through a quest arc that starts in Langhold, which is a short run south from the once-broken bridge that crosses over the Limlight river.

Note: Upon logging in the first time after the expansion releases, or at approximately level 75, your character may receive a letter in the mail asking you to find one of the Rohirrim and speak with him. This NPC is located just on the other side of the Limlight bridge and taking the quest from the letter will get you some extra XP. 

Upon arrival at Langhold you will immediately start a small quest arc that consists of approximately a dozen quests which need to be completed before you earn your steed. This quest arc will having you running around the hills surrounding Langhold killing salamanders, brigands, Easterlings and playing a game with some Rohirrim children.

Once you receive the quest to head into the Easterling camp, you may skip the two area quests that pop up there as they are not required in the arc, but you will be fighting your way through the Easterlings to get to the back portion of the camp for the Langhold arc quest, so you may as well get the extra XP for completing the two area quests in the camp.

Once it is all done, the arc will end in an instance that upon completion, sends you to Harwick to obtain your steed and take part in the riding tutorial.

After you complete the tutorial there will be a quick quest to speak with another NPC who will award you with a legendary bridle, pick that up and check your map for the LI NPCs and head that way to identify your bridle. You can equip it by pressing [Shift+M] and dragging the bridle from your inventory into it’s slot in the Stats tab of the Mounted Combat panel. You are now ready to participate in mounted combat!

This all can be done in about an hour, or even less depending on how fast you play.

The Other Route

The other way to get there starts with picking up the Epic Book quest from Galadriel in Caras Galadhon. This quest-line eventually merges with the Langhold arc and you end up in the same place.


7 thoughts on “Getting Your Warsteed”

  1. If you take the Epic quest from Galadriel first, does it eventually take you to the start of the quest arc in Langhold, or does it intersect the quest arc part-way through?

    1. Sorry for the delay in reply, you got caught in the spam trap somehow! I have not tested it starting with the Epic. It is my understanding that the epic line eventually brings you to Langhold and picks up at the very beginning of the quest arc.

  2. I actually entered Rohan and obstained my Warsteed at level 73. I then got the letter when I made 74, not 75.

  3. At level 65, I went to Langhold and was unable to pick up any quests, yet I remember being told that you could access these quests at any level?

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