LOTRO Academy: Summer Festival 2012 Special

LOTRO Academy
In this episode Branick, Mysteri, Rolfkrage, and Pineleaf talk about the 2012 Summer Festival in Lord of the Rings Online™. Thanks for listening.

1 thought on “LOTRO Academy: Summer Festival 2012 Special”

  1. It looks like the festival has been extended a week or so. From Sapience: “The scheduled end of the festival is Monday September 17”.
    (source: http://forums.lotro.com/showthread.php?478495-Summer-Festival-2012-end-date-and-Dwarf-keg-race-status&p=6411205#post6411205)

    On Riddermark, pretty much the only festival stuff I did was to get my main the new festival steed. This was my second Summer Festival on that server, so I had already done most of what I wanted to do. On Arkenstone, I was able to finish the Rare Fish deed on my hunter in time.

    One pretty nice thing about this festival is that it is a good opportunity to replenish your supply of Festival Tickets. You can get four every two hours (two from each area, if you can get into the Thorin’s race area). The race costs one ticket if you want to participate, but even if you don’t, these Festival Tickets are used for other festivals (at least for flower picking in the Spring Festival, and egg/mushroom picking in the Farmer’s Faire), so pick them up and hold onto them (if you have the Premium Wallet, they will go right in there).

    Thanks for the Rep guide shout-out. I have done some more work on it since posted, mostly thanks to feedback and some data from Tomeoric. These changes were mostly new maps/info in the section that involves zones that utilize repeatable quests for reputation, which will probably only grow, as this seems to be the new way for Turbine to implement faction reputation (look forward to this in Riders of Rohan, with Hytbold).

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