LOTRO Academy: 52 – Middle-earth Mafia

LOTRO Academy
Guest hosts Pineleaf and Rolfkrage join Branick and a mostly-silent Mysteri to talk about Update 7: Shades of the Past, the latest update to The Lord of the Rings Online™. Thanks for listening!

5 thoughts on “LOTRO Academy: 52 – Middle-earth Mafia”

  1. Was that Gollum telling me to “Have fun” at then end of this episode? =)

    Get better Myst! Good recap of update 7 guys…


  2. Fornost has similar loot to that found in Great Barrows, Annuminas, and other scalable 6-man content. In other words, not that great and that is the new complaint. You get much better rewards out of skirmish raids and content locked at level 75, like Isengard instances. The only reason to do Fornost now would be to see it.

    I do not approve of the wussification of Moria. 🙁

    Something else with the update I noticed is that all my characters now have map markers everywhere even when they have not been places. I loathe this. A lot.

    Regarding the starlit crystals, I think people are bothered more about Turbine adding one more facet and grind to the already grindy LI system.

    The only task items that are definitely worth turning in are the ones in Limlight Gorge. That speeds up your way to kindred status a lot. At 900 rep per task, that’s thrice as good as anywhere else.

  3. Get better soon Myst, or I’ll have to ship some Hearty Onion Soup your way!

    While being a different kind of mirror, I was taking a hunter back into the Foundations of Stone in Moria to do an epic quest, and noticed they moved the daily repeatable quest for the adjustable mirror much closer to the Shadowed Refuge. Perhaps they also moved the mirror in Anazarmekhem (the fire zone) closer to the town as well, though I have not checked for this myself.

    I’ll admit to being a fan of tasks. I’ll tend to do them basically after I cap a character, and complete tasks in zones for which I may have not completed the faction reputation. You’ll also get a couple Turbine Points per 100, as well as cosmetic cloaks in the final 3 task deeds (they get quicker as you go, via bonus daily task limits per tier).

    *equips his shoes with slats on the edges so he can balance easier on fences*

  4. To start off, hope you get better Myst! Need one Aussie rep for us.
    What a great show, Pineleaf and Rolf were great and it seemed like they have been podcasting before. Branrick is still the king of early lotro podcasting. Love the show. Keep it up guys md gal

  5. Great episode guys! Sorry about my abrupt log off at Wednesday Night Lotro. My computer crashed. And no, I don’t hate you Branick. I didn’t even play the original much. Hope you feel better Myst. Keep up the good work.
    Quel Fara,

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