LOTRO Academy: 50 – Reaching 50

LOTRO Academy
Branick, Mysteri, and Krorain are joined by guest host Pineleaf Needles for an epic fiftieth episode celebration. The topic “Reaching 50” serves the dual purposes of celebrating this podcast milestone, as well as covering levels 40 to 50 in Lord of the Rings Online™ and also features the original compositions of popular in-game band, The Shades, and a special Episode 50 Feedback section. Thanks for listening.

Featuring the following songs by The Shades:

  1. Meadow Breeze
  2. Dawn
  3. Peaceful Path
  4. Mithrandir
  5. Amon Sul
  6. Shire
  7. Farewell Stolen Pie
  8. The East Road
  9. Fire Inside
  10. Storm
  11. To Rosie

9 thoughts on “LOTRO Academy: 50 – Reaching 50”

  1. Congratulations on reaching 50 episodes guys! Huge fan of the podcast. Coming fresh off of console gaming, the world of LOTRO was huge, vast, and murky. This podcast was a light from the darkness, guiding me and my Hunter from the brink of drowning in the Watcher’s black pool. Always learn something and have a laugh while I’m at it. I hope to see you on Wednesday Night LOTRO, or on the Imladris sever. Keep up the fantastic work.

    Cryan Farnlay, Leader of the Soldiers of Gondor kin on Imladris.

    PS: I desperately need to listen to a Kinship episode! I recently inherited a kin from the old leader, and I have no idea what to do. Please help!

  2. Congrats, you guys have acquired the title LOTRO Academy, Faculties of Fifty Fantastic Features! Hope you guys keep the episodes comin’, the fireworks blastin’, and the Bombur’s Beard Lager flowin’!

    After the much easier 30s decade in Evendim, the 40s is a bit more sluggish (until getting to Eregion, at least). I’m always antsy to get to 45 (sometimes 46, depends on class) and start the Walls of Moria questies.

    I totally forget if you guys mentioned it, but make sure to hover your cursor over each of the deeds for the legendary skill books in your deed log (located in your Class section, the ones with a number out of 8 found). Along with a nice chunk of lore material, it will list the zone(s) to farm for each half of each legendary book.

  3. Hey guys!

    Thanks for reading my response on the show. To clarify: I am indeed an Aussie, who (through some strange twist of fate) also lives in Brisbane. While it’s of no interest to LOTRO players, I’m the producer and co-host of a SWTOR podcast (OotiniCast). Much as I enjoy SWTOR, my heart seems to be in LOTRO!

    I originally levelled characters on Elendilmir (the unofficial Oceanic server), though have recently started a minstrel on Landroval to join some friends who’ve been here for a while.

    Congratulations again on 50, and hoping to be wishing you happy 100 sometime down the track!


    Teonel, 60 Minstrel of Landroval
    Aeonel, 69 RK of Elendilmir
    Treyan, 75 Warden of Elendilmir
    Calaedor, 65 Hunter of Elendilmir

  4. Happy 50th!! Congratulations guys!

    Sorry for saying your name wrong Krorain I didn’t know it was Kro… I thought you were saying Kor-ane. Or maybe the first r is silent? 😀 Anyway, me and names is usually doomed to failure anyway. Sorry.

    A great achievement the 50th episode. That’s a lot of time and effort. This is worth celebrating! Who’s brought the pie!?

  5. Happy 50th!! You guys have made it to a huge milestone! I am looking forward to the 100th episode.

    I am so angry with myself. I missed the deadline for the comments for the 50th episode. Oh well, maybe on the 100th I will be more diligent and get my comments up. I am happy to be a part of the kinship. I have made some awesome friends and looking forward to making new friends in the future!

    Have fun guys and congrats!

  6. Thanx for all the comments guys and Branick, yes I am posting again 😛

    Another Aussie in Bris Vegas. How Awesome is that. I will have to listen to your podcast Jason, although I would like to play SWTOR, I just can’t find a way out of Middle Earth. But I will be sure to listen as I have many friends who do play.

    McQuiggan, blame it on the time zone difference. I do when I am late or early. 😀

    Also, great to see some new names posting and I hope we see more of you or hear more from you.

    Well I will be off for now, but as always…

    Have fun

  7. Thanks for lovely episode!
    I really do enjoy how you see the game from your point of view.
    Thanks for playing my music. I appreciate the effort you do involve the community 🙂

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