In this alcohol-fueled episode Branick, Mysteri, and Krorain have meandering conversations about Lord of the Rings Online™, Update 6, MMOs, the Free to Play model, and plenty of other things. There’s no specific topic and little order, but plenty of discussion. Thanks for listening.
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When you inspect people, check the tabs at the top of the page. The first one shows their equipment and cosmetics while the others show their biography (which also includes kinship name, their position, parent/child names), equipped traits, and what legendary items they currently are leveling.
I raise an empty Coke can to you, folk – hope y’all had a good Patty’s day!
Almost ashamedly, I swept right through the Great River, knocking the Stangard rep off in under a day, but the zone was interesting. I’m currently working on reputation for the group content area in the zone, Limlight Gorge – there are some big baddies in there! It’s a fun zone, though – plenty to see and redeem with your trusty weapon.
I have also been working on grinding out some TP for the Premium Wallet – only need 100 or so left, so should be easy enough.
Oh, and I just wanted to quickly clarify my intentions for my mini Anonymous rant (if Branick can have them, so can I!). I don’t actually use inspect as a means of a “gateway” to who can be in a fellow with me (heck, I don’t even really ever lead fellowships). Most often, I am interested in checking out how someone is geared, especially how they have arranged their legendary items in terms of their equipped trait line (ie, what kind of legacies a guardian may pick/level for a belt while traited to tank). Other times, I do like browsing through all of their cosmetic outfits.
Another thing I sometimes do is use inspect to view kinmates’ gear, especially if they could use/ask for some new stuff. Crafting can be a blast, and cooking up new shinies for friends is much easier when they are easily inspectable.
I won’t have a hissy-fit if anyone has annon on, though I do get a 15-second sad panda debuff (however, I do keep my pants).
So that’s why the format of the show felt so comfortably familiar: It’s inspired by the old, original Guild Cast! Always nice to recognize a fellow listener!