LOTRO Academy: 43 – Not All Doom and Gloom

LOTRO Academy
Branick, Mysteri, and Krorain return to talk about the upcoming Riders of Rohan™ expansion pack for Lord of the Rings Online™. Other topics of interest include the subscription model, lockboxes, the legacy of Rise of Isengard™, and completely unfounded speculation on what the future may hold for LOTRO. Thanks for listening.

7 thoughts on “LOTRO Academy: 43 – Not All Doom and Gloom”

  1. The healing ability of those orcs you mentioned is a bit more complicated. The skill does not directly heal the orc but instead it gives them a buff that causes any damage they take to be converted into a morale gain. That means that whenever you hit the orc, you are effectively healing them.

    The solution (assuming you cannot interrupt the induction) is to not attack the mob until the affected buff wears off. Yes, with a champ facing other mobs along with the buffed orc, that is easier said than done since it means avoiding area attacks.

    As for summoning skirmish soldiers on the landscape, I am expecting that to be available in Update 6, though I have heard others who have interpreted the teaser to mean at any point between now and Rohan.

  2. Krorain,

    My lockbox experience: I found a level 60-69 lockbox, but with the slim chance of getting anything epic (from what was stated on other blog posts), I decided to put it on the AH. At least on the Riddermark, there seems to be more of an abundance of boxes with very little number of keys. I posted it with a 6gp buyout, and it was sold within 24 hours. Hopefully the person who bought it got something good, but essentially free in-game gold was a decent reward enough for me.

  3. Thank The Gods I’m Not The Only One That Finds It Annoying When A Lore Master Has There Pet (No Matter Which) Summoned In Crafting Hall, Vaults ETC… DISMISS THEM PEOPLE!! Your Not Going TO Get Attacked In Town… It’s Safe I Promise…

    As Far As Your Skirmish Solider In Town, I’m Looking Froward To This.. Will Make Solo’ing A Tad Easier I Feel, I know I Solo Alot, And There Are A Few Quests, That I Think Would Go Easier With A Friend Along.. I Think They Will Work ALA Guild Wars Hero’s…

    Great Show As Always.. Keep Up The Good Work!
    I Really Need To Create My Self On Arkenstone So I Can Join In On The Fun With The Academy Kinship! And Wed Night Lotro On Friday!

  4. Krorain: I found myself the top-level lockbox in the Isengard area. I had also found myself a key from a beast (in the Dunbog, located in Dunland). After opening it, I got myself a Dwarf-make Prospector’s Pack cosmetic (normally from a Yule Festival Gift-Box) and a Large Flowerbed decoration (normally from the Summer Festival). Neither were something that blew my mind away, but I wasn’t enraged as I didn’t need to spend the 100 TP for a key.

    I hear the lockboxes will be getting some enhancements come Patch 5.2, so hopefully it will heal some of those tender Turbine Point wounds many have had from this game of chance.


    At least from launch, I expect to see limitations in skirmish soldier “companions” and mounted combat. Possibly limited to certain areas (I assume mounted combat will always be limited to one of areas in Rohan, which would seem to make sense in the sense of how the Rohirrim operate), or a kind of infancy model with either (to later be enhanced in the more hopefully frequent updates), just like the case with the Instance Finder.

    Either way, I’m excited to see future bits and pieces to the next expansion/updates!

  5. Zyngor is correct, Bullroarer was updated today with Update 5.2. According to CSTM, lock boxes should now:

    – Drop better items more often, including the mount, relic removal scrolls, legacy upgrade scrolls, LIXP and lock box only weapons.

    – Drop a lock box key ~10% of the time.

    – Have a better chance to drop more than one item.

    – No longer drop items from the previously lowest tiers.

    Very cool, but I wonder if it is applicable to lockboxes you’ve already picked up – like the reward was “preset” in the box. Hmmmm….

  6. I always try to make a point to dismiss my LM pets or heralds when entering busy places. I find it HIGHly annoying to be in the Pony or AH or … and see a HUGE bear stand up behind me. Thing is, sometimes you forget your pet is out. You get so accustomed to running around with your pet that they can easily become background. If that makes sense. I’ve caught myself crafting and then noticing that Frogbitter is sitting behind me licking his paws. I feel horrible when that happens but, for me, it’s never intended.

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