LOTRO Academy: 42 – The Curmudgeon and the Crow

LOTRO Academy
In this episode, Branick complains and Mysteri puts up with him. Thanks for listening.

4 thoughts on “LOTRO Academy: 42 – The Curmudgeon and the Crow”

  1. Hey guys,

    fun episode, your ‘no topic’-podcasts are always good for a laugh 🙂

    A friend of mine is also in the “but I need to have it ALL!!”-mood and I’m with you on that one Branick. You want it, you don’t need it. He now has an alt with 18 haunted trees in his vault…

  2. Hey there Damper.

    Glad you liked the episode. I have lots of haunted trees, but I think your friend beats me there 😀

    I do like the horses though and well when a challenge is issued, I can’t refuse. I did get all my festival horses (38 in all).

    Wonder what challenge I will get for the Spring Festival? 🙂

    Have fun

  3. Hey there folks,

    I have been listening to all episodes of Lotro-Academy up to this point and will continue to listen to them until I get to the newest.

    But Branick. The dismount animation is still there. Just don’t press any walk/run buttons and click on your horse skill to dismount. Aaaand… there you are. Dismount animation done.

    And the reason why they diasbled the dismount animation when you are running or walking is: PvMP. When there are ten monsterplayer-creeps around you and you really need to wait until the dismount animation is done, then you will be in a serious disadvantage cause the creeps in the moors don’t use mounts so they have more than a second to beat you before you can even get down from your mount.

    So they disabled the dismount animation if you press a direction key or wsad-key or whatever key you use to move, while you are dismounting. If you don’t. Wayhay! Your dismounting animation is still there!

    I am actually thinking about creating a character on your server I just need to have more time to play the game. 🙂

    Greeting from Germany

    Foxy aka Shayur, Elven Lore-Master on the Belegaer Server

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