LOTRO Academy: 38 – 2011 FinaleLOTRO Academy: 38 – 2011 Finale
It's the last show of the year! Branick, Mysteri, and Krorain enjoy plenty of LOTRO discussion in this topicless pre-holiday episode. Thanks for listening.
It's the last show of the year! Branick, Mysteri, and Krorain enjoy plenty of LOTRO discussion in this topicless pre-holiday episode. Thanks for listening.
Branick, Mysteri, and Krorain return to talk about the changes coming in Update 5. Discussion centers mostly on the Instance Finder, but we talk about the other changes as
Branick and Mysteri return from our Thanksgiving break to chat for a while about Lord of the Rings Online™. In our meandering dialogue, we talk a bit about Forochel,