LOTRO Academy: 34 – Feedback

LOTRO Academy
In this episode Branick, Mysteri, and Krorain get caught up on the listener feedback that has piled up from the last few episodes. Also, Mysteri talks to herself and Krorain teaches us all a valuable lesson. Thanks for listening.

10 thoughts on “LOTRO Academy: 34 – Feedback”

  1. There’s even more reason not to go into Moria at 45. Graal posted on the forums recently that attacking anything 3 or 4 levels above you increases your miss chance by 10%. Given that mobs in there are on average 5 levels above you, you will miss even more often. It’s not impossible, mind you, but it may be more frustration than it is worth.

  2. Feedback on feedback, seems amusing… Yes, I have been enjoying the festival now. Koshie was very helpful in showing me the timed runs I’d been avoiding up til then. Myst, weren’t you and I going to hit the opening Moria quests for the legendary weapon once we both hit 45? Moria itself can wait, I agree, but it’s best to get the legendary items quickly!

  3. So should I be feedbacking the feedback, or wait to feedback feedbacking on the feedback? Either way, grats on getting through all that stuff – even the ones by that crazy Zymblor guy or whatever his name is.

    I could be mistaken, but you might actually need to be 46 (along with having your first LI up to level 10) to be able to do the last instance of the Walls of Moria, or WoM, epic quest chain and enter Moria, (at which point you’ll be able to get your second LI). My recommendation is doing the WoM bit at 46 if you are able, then go back and do Eregion quests to at least 50 or so.

  4. Hi guys,

    Awesome few episodes since I last commented, nice to have myst back to 🙂

    I actually have a favour to ask of Krorain.
    Am I correct in thinking your main is on Snowbourn? If so would you be able to team up with me some time to finish the hunters quest that gets you the legendary skill.

    I am struggling to kill those damn turtles in Angmar and my buddy who plays lotro with me isnt a high enough level to help out.

    Keep up the good work guys, any help Krorain could give me would be much appreciated 😀


    Beniliborn Stormsting.

  5. Hi Beniliborn

    I would absolutely love to help you, but I’m afraid my main is on Evernight. Don’t have any toons on that server at all.

  6. Very new player and listener to your podcast. Thanks for all the helpful hints.
    I’m late in commenting about getting the dance emotes.
    A kin-mate walked me thru making a shortcut of each of the three dance steps needed. Once they were set, I only had to click each once as it was called- and got the dance done.
    I was able to get 7 dances this time!!
    I know this is late, but I think it will work for the next festival.

    Thanks again for your wonderful podcast!

  7. Beniliborn Mate your going to have to find yourself a kinship, Even if you do manage to get past the Turtles etc, you have the Cairn Dum instances to get thru later in the quest line, and man they aint easy, A good Kin would be invaluable to you or anyone for that matter.
    What has Lotro Academy and Lotro (the game itself) got in common? They both get better and better. Superb work guys, I always recommend you to all new players I meet.
    I have rolled Haldare on Arkenstone so I can take part in Myst’s Race, n lookin forward to that too. As always regards from Scotland

  8. Another option for completing the class quests for the legendary trait, if you can’t get a group for Carn Dum is to buy the items you need… either from the AH or skirmish barterer (so you can spend gold or skirmish marks). I suggest checking the AH, buying what you can that’s not too expensive, while running skirmishes… then barter for the rest of what you need.

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