LOTRO Academy: 2011 Harvestmath Festival Special

LOTRO Academy
Branick, and Mysteri attempt to convince Krorain to participate in the Harvestmath Festival with our discussion of the various quests available. We talk about why the Haunted Burrow is good, why griefers are bad, and which of us is a terrible dancer. Thanks for listening.

6 thoughts on “LOTRO Academy: 2011 Harvestmath Festival Special”

  1. Hi guys.

    Wanted to comment on the festival consumables. I really wish they’d make it so consumables couldn’t be used on people in the dance-lesson areas (same for the Ale-league quest where you put the ‘potion’ by the Party Tree that knocks everyone out). That’s very needed and would stop people interrupting dance lessons. Outside of that, I love the consumables as long as people aren’t spamming them on the same folks over and over. My favorite is the Black Silk Glove. Cracks me up everytime!

    You can see who uses the consumables on you. For me, it logs on my combat tab. It’ll say something like ‘Ranni has applied the benefit with DNT- Birds on Brannick’. Maybe if they could put the dance-lesson areas off limits, and cut down on the number it takes to complete those deeds, it’d be better. It’s the consumable goings on that make the wait between beer-fights and the like easier to take, IMO. Great show, love listening to you all. 🙂

  2. Harvestmath is a well done holiday. I’ve been enjoying doing some of the events, and that’s after WoW managed to teach me to hate holidays with their year-long holiday meta-achievement. The fact that none of it is needed, everything in the holiday is fluff/cosmetics, lets the players do only as much of it as they want without feeling pressured to do more, and that’s where Turbine did a much better job than Blizzard. (That, and not putting in insanely difficult/annoying PVP achievements linked to the holidays. I’m going to go whimper in the corner for a while while I have flashbacks…)

  3. Nice Festival chat – you guys covered the bases well. As for the ever-controversial consumables, I’d say I’m in the middle. I certainly don’t mind getting tricked, as long as they aren’t following me and doing it non-stop (unless it’s a friend that I’m letting them do it). They should have added some “treat” consumables – maybe toss some leaves around the target (kinda like the flower petal emote) or some solo emotes like juggling apples.

    Personally, I’ll try and get the spider one. Really, all it does is that a spider pops up in front of the user and a little poison puff pops up. It does not appear to severely affect the target’s animation.

    Good luck to all in your hunt for the elusive painted steed, and happy Harvestmath!

  4. This podcast was fun to listen to when going through the Haunted Burrow quests for the… you know, I can’t remember how many times I’ve done it between my 2 (now 3) characters.

    I just wanted to mention that if there’s anyone who hasn’t already tired running through the Burrow in first-person mode, try it. I learned the layout from repeated visits and the map linked in the show notes, but there are some things that are just faster or easier from first-person mode. I’m beating my record times for “A Race through the Haunted Burrow” quest now! (less than 90 seconds)

    Keep up the great podcast!

  5. Thanx for the comments guys.:)

    I agree with you Ranni, that if they can make the dance area off limits for the consumables, it would be much better. However, this week as I have been racing through the burrow doing the quests, I have had a few ppl come up and use whatever consumable they had. I didn’t mind the first time, but then it became a bit tedious and all I could think of was, “Glad this isn’t a timed quest.”

    I think though in the spirit of “Trick or Treat” there should be something nice to do as a consumable task as well. Who could say no to eating lollies 😀

    Glad to see your festivalling Indy. I do remember you weren’t into the Summerfest, but I am glad to see that you have done some of the Harvestmath Festival.

    Zyngor, you have to let me know when you are on Arkenstone, then I can hit you with my spider leg and maybe a black glove or two. Honestly, I have these consumables and have never used one of them on anyone. Yeah ok, I am a sad person. I guess I am just not that into being mean or annoying. (Don’t say a word anyone :D)

    Glad to see your beating your record times now Jackkel. I am beating my race times on the horse races, but still haven’t bet my best times running through the burrows. Perhaps next year.

    Now as for my festivalling, I have learned to dance 🙂 Took some tips from Branick and can dance like a hobbit and a man. I may even dance like an elf before the festival is over. Keep your fingers crossed, and oh, add in some crossed legs and eyes for good measure. 🙂

    Have fun ppl


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