LOTRO Academy: 33 – Welcome Back Mysteri

LOTRO Academy
Branick and Krorain welcome Mysteri back onto the podcast with plenty of LOTRO discussion on a variety of topics. Thanks for listening.

The Fellowship: Extra Life Donor Drive

Please take a moment to sponsor Stephen Hamner in the Extra Life 24 Hour Gaming Marathon. All proceeds will go to the Tuscon Medical Center, Steve’s local Children’s Miracle Network hospital.

7 thoughts on “LOTRO Academy: 33 – Welcome Back Mysteri”

  1. Welcome back, Myst! It’s good to have you back on the podcast and in game.

    Branick, while we did have some underleveled guys on the instance runs, I was fairly high for it, so that probably balanced out. Next time, Myst and I can bring our appropriate level characters…

    It’s not just games that are losing the manuals, either — software in general seems to be moving away from printed material, to electronic. Maybe in the future tablets will be cheap enough it won’t be a problem to use those. At least LOTRO has a great background ‘manual’ available separately… the three volumes of ‘The Lord of the Rings’ of course plus ‘The Hobbit’!

  2. Hey there Indy,

    Thanx and it is good to be back. Kinda like coming home. It was great catching up with Branick and Krorain on the show and listening to the previous podcasts. It also was great to just chat about Lotro and knowing I have Zyngor’s bow makes it a safe bet Branick and Krorain will be nice to me. (Just joking, they are great guys and never give me grief.) I do feel so left out though as I must be the only one who hasn’t been to Moria 🙁 Oh well – all in good time.

    It was great catching up in game and rest assured, I will be in game more often and yes… Wednesday Night Lotro on Friday night for you guys, Mystreia will be there at level 22, all ready to go. I will even see if I can get Koshie out of bed with an Academy character to join us.

    In the meantime, as I always tell you guys…

    Have fun

  3. Again, welcome back Myst – we missed ya! You inspired me to finally try my hand at the lore-master. While she’s only in her mid teens or so, I can tell it’ll be a pretty interesting character with a handful of responsibilities when grouped.

    Sorry I missed the last week of Academy partying – been busy both in real life and Isengard stuff. I’ll do my best to make it to fun times this Friday (or, if I skip my way across a couple bodies of water, Saturday)!

  4. Hey there Zyngor,

    Would love to see you skip over a couple bodies of water, but fear if you do that, you will be super late for this Saturday, and maybe not get there until next Saturday. So would love to see you on your Friday 🙂

    LM’s are interesting to play and as you go up the levels, it is interesting to see how the skills vary. I love my LM and have made Mysteri on a few servers now and each time, learn to play that character better and better. Well you know what they say… practice makes perfect.

    Glad your enjoying Isengard. I am sure I will when I finally get there 🙂

    Have fun
    Myst. 🙂

  5. I’m running late this week and just listening to the Welcome Back podcast. Glad to have you back Myst. I agree that the guys did a great job while you were away but it’s not the same without you.

    I’m looking forward to “Wednesday Night” LOTRO tonight. Fun.

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