Branick, Mysteri, and Krorain are joined by Merric from A Casual Stroll to Mordor for this Plugin-focused sequel to LOTRO Academy: 12 – Customizing LOTRO. We had great, albeit meandering, conversations on LOTRO Plugins as well as some other topics, including some tips for players entering the Mines of Moria for the first time. Thanks for listening!
Podcast: Play in new window | Download (46.8MB)
- LOTRO Plugins
- Moria Advice
- Merric’s Plugin Reviews for CSTM
- LOTRO Interface
- How to Install Plugins
- A Written Guide on How to Install Plugins
- How to use Lua UI plugins
- DPS Meters in LOTRO by DocHoliday
- Page Turner’s Club
- Bio Break
- Merric’s Favorite Plugin Recommendations:
I suppose the answer to life the universe and everything IS indeed a Mysteri, yay for sound effects!
That first Moria run-though was quite an adventure for myself, as well. Branick’s tip of using landmarks to learn the zone, combined with Merric’s advice of starting around 50-51 is a great combination, and should help ease your way into this massive zone.
Thanks to Merric for the great introduction to plugins. I personally haven’t played around with ’em, and I may hold off until after Isengard to see what they do with in-game functionality. After not using them for so long and just playing around with the in-game UI, I guess I was just too lazy and was happy to settle with dragging stuff around to fit my gamestyle for each character.
Six stars for Baby Hobbit being on this episode!
Hi Mysteri. This is a good web site for finding shard and flake droppers if you don’t want to use all of your SM on them.
I have yet to use plugins for LOTRO, partly because of their still beta stats. While I have found some addons very useful in WoW, I have tried to keep them to a minimum to reduce patch day agony; perhaps that’s not so bad in LOTRO but I recall the pain guildmates went through back in the day trying to update addons and figure out which were broken.
I certainly agree with points you all made regarding dps meters. While they are useful for testing and improvement on a personal basis, that’s not how people generally use them. When they first came out in WoW, my experience led to the conclusion that ‘Damage meters wipe raids’ — as you said, because some people will neglect what they need to do, and should be doing, and try to game the meter instead of the encounter.
Merric was a great guest; I found their blog when I first started LOTRO a year ago. It was their blog that got me to listen to their podcast, and the enjoyment I found there got me to start listening to others, when up to that point I’d completely avoided all podcasts. So thanks to Merric and Goldenstar; without Casual Stroll to Mordor I wouldn’t be listening to this great podcast or other good podcasts I’ve found!
Do you have an rss feed for your podcasts? I dont/won’t use itunes but can use standard rss on androids. I looked in the likely places on your web page but couldn’t find it.
By definition a podcast has to have an RSS Feed. That’s what iTunes subscribes to.
Twenty-seven is a good number, particularly September 27, which is when Rise of Isengard is supposed to go live. Coincidentally, September 27 will be my 27th birthday. I do think it’s bad form on Turbine’s part to make me pay for a birthday present, honestly.
I personally love Moria and look forward to my characters getting there, but I know I am in the minority. There’s nothing one can do about the darkness or vastness, but it beats being outside where you risk falling up into the sky. One thing that I think would reduce frustration though would be heading in at 50+. Too many are told that they can get their LIs at 45 and while this is true, they discover their level 45 selves up against level 50 quests outside Moria and that can be frustrating. If people would just wait a few levels for their first rather crummy LIs, I think the Moria hate would subside a little bit. Probably not enough to matter, but it would make me feel better.
Happy upcoming 27th Tapkoh! In other 27 news, Deus Ex: Human Revolution takes place in 2027, and one of the characters has a poster on his wall for Final Fantasy XXVII… that’s right, Final Fantasy 27!
You may be right about Moria. I do recommend starting the questline to get your Legendary item at 45 (the sooner you get it the sooner it’ll gain XP) but Moria itself really should wait. And there really isn’t any harm in waiting even for the LI. I think I was 49 when I found out I could even get it, and I waited until 54 before questing in Moria proper because I was questing elsewhere. Perhaps that partially explains why I like Moria?
As for falling into the sky, I assure you that’s only a myth.
Hey guys! Great podcast once again! Plugins are definetely the way to go! I use the Palantir and the Songbook plugins all the time. There are a couple of others that I am looking into using too.
I havent made it to Moria yet but I am soooo looking forward to getting there. McQuiggin, my main toon, just hit level 50. I am finishing up some quests in Angmar then I am heading there.
Enjoy your break! See ya when you get back.
Really enjoyed this podcast, even though its 13 months too late. I only found out about Casual Stroll Through Mordor from episode 27 when the guest mentioned about the Class Roundtables.
To have Merrik on this episode was just awesome. His comments on DPS meters was spot on.
In my old guild in Everquest I was the Main Corpse…err Tank for a Elemental Plane of time guild we used the DPS parser of the logs to reward some of the more over looked classes.
For some mobs where Group healing was priority we would reward the Non Chain healers who did the most total healing, and would reward the Enchanters with best crowd control. We would also mention best chain clerics and point out how much damage they negated on myself.
We would leave out damage parses from public view so the rouges would not belittle the rangers. Since those two classes was just about grinding and gear to get DPS up. Not saying skill was not involved but lets face it, if you have Chinese 50 cc Moped you can’t run with 110 Cubic Inches of Milwaukee Hawg.
Great Podcast.
Just a note. Since the broadcast of this podcast, LOTRO has incorporated a plugins manager into the game proper, making a third party manager no longer needed.
Indeed, I’d forgotten we had recorded this one before the plugin manager. Perhaps this is a topic worth revisiting in an updated episode.