LOTRO Academy: 25 – Levels 20 to 40

LOTRO Academy
Branick, Mysteri, and Krorain discuss the questing zones, skirmishes, and instances available to take you from Level 20 to Level 40 in Lord of the Rings Online™. Especially useful for Free and Premium players who may need help deciding which quest-packs to purchase, this episode picks up where LOTRO Academy: 3 – Leveling to 20 left off.

5 thoughts on “LOTRO Academy: 25 – Levels 20 to 40”

  1. Good information, guys! I’d like to add that another good reason to hit Evendim is the revamped quest reward system; instead of random pieces of gear most of which get vendored as useless for your class, quests give barter tokens which are used to buy class-specific pieces. It’s also nice if you’ve gotten bored of boars…

    I also think it’s a good idea to get into some skirmishing early. The daily reward xp for each skirmish is *huge* at level 20, but by 65 it’s just another quest. Also, if you wait too long to enter skirmishes, your soldier will fall behind — but if you do at least a few as you level, you can save enough marks to level some skirmish traits.

    I had a great time skirmishing with Mysteri and Koshie, looking forward to doing more!

  2. Regarding lore-master items, there are two different types. The most common type is talismans. These are made by jewelers and will teach a lore-master a new summoning skill that is just a different cosmetic appearance for a combat pet. The other set of items are rather rare drops from mobs & a couple items from rep vendors called “Tome of the [animal name here].” These give the lore-master a summoning skill for a non-combat pet. These of course do nothing in combat and are just for fun.

    Examples of the first would be the polar bear, blood raven, and ember eagle while the latter would be ones like the dog, turtle, and snake. It should be noted that in order to summon these non-combat pets, you must first visit Radagast the Brown in Lone Lands and finish his A Friend of the Wild quest line to receive the proper passive skill.

  3. Great show guys
    I have been workin on leveling my 33 captain and got quite a few tips from this episode. I have found that leveling is a lot easier now since I preordered the isengard exspansion. I just equip the 25% monster kill XP and grind out some skirmishing.
    Keep putting out the show, and I’ll keep listening.

  4. Nice episode, and yes, Evendim is 50% of this battle. I have gone through both pre-Update 2 Evendim and revamped Evendim, and the changes are pretty big. New quest hubs, added bartered class sets/items, and adjusted (mostly lowered) monster stats are just some of the modified changes to this zone. I actually just about finished taking my champion (now at 39) through Evendim. The bad part is that it makes your other character’s “decades” feel a bit more sluggish.

    Tapkoh explained the LM pet situation well. I just wanted to add that the one you saw in the store was probably basically just a store-exclusive cosmetic overlay for one of the pets (like a striped lynx or something). Jewelers can craft three “looks” of the same lynx stat-wise, and the store offers additional “looks” for Turbine Points.

  5. Another great episode! invaluable content with quite possibly the best feedback section yet!!HaHa!!Great stuff guys!

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