LOTRO Academy: Summer Festival 2011 Special

LOTRO Academy
Branick and Mysteri welcome Sean onto the show as a new cohost for this Independence Day episode on the Summer Festival. We talk about the benefits of fishing, the pitfalls of gambling, and what might happen if Christopher Walken were to play LOTRO. We also kick off Christmas In July with a contest and several event announcements.

5 thoughts on “LOTRO Academy: Summer Festival 2011 Special”

  1. Christmas in July is a very cool idea! I’m not sure if I’ll have a horse by then, but perhaps I can be a spectator…

    I did indeed get the Undying title; that makes my seventh Undying over three servers. So far, knock on wood, I haven’t yet had any character die before level 20 — but I’ve had some close calls!

    You did a good job talking about the festival. You almost make me want to give it a try — which doesn’t sound like much, except that WoW’s year-long holiday meta-achievement burned me out so badly on holidays that I started to dislike real world holidays… I got the achievement, but it wasn’t worth the emotional cost, believe me. Thankfully Turbine seems to have done a much better job, and I have hopes I’ll enjoy festivals here someday.

  2. Thanx for posting Indy. Yes you did get the Undying Title AGAIN! Thanx for rubbing it in 😀

    You really should try the festivals. Sometimes it can be a bit of a grind getting those tokens you need to get the horse or some nifty new cosmetic, but overall, they are splendid fun and for me, at least, the Summer Festival has proven to be the best one yet.

    Have fun

    Mysteri. 🙂

  3. Note that for the Cartographile deed, only two of the maps in this festival will actually count for the Eriador deed (Ettenmoors and Northern Barrow Downs) – the other two are part of Rhovanian, and I’m assuming there will eventually be a deed for that area.

    As for the summer festival barterables, I also wasn’t the biggest fan of most of the cosmetics. However, the decorations are pretty nice. I definitely got myself a hammock (use /liedown emote for best effect) and summer doormat for my house. I am working on two consumable skills for my main, and one for an alt.

    Nice episode, and grats Sean for joining the show – you did a great job, and I’m sure will be a great addition to the Academy! Cheers *clink*

  4. Everyone can get all of those crafting titles you mentioned. All you have to do is switch professions and go through the introductory quest for the vocation(s) you have not yet done. These titles are not revoked if you change professions so if you did not want to be an explorer, but wanted Easily Lost as a title, then start with explorer and switch after you get it. Another bonus is that each one you complete will get you 3 apprentice ingredient packs if you grab the follow-up quest from the master/mistress of apprentices. If you go through all 7, that’s 21 packs to use to help level up your first tier of crafting. They are not bound either, so you can always send them to another character.

    I myself am not much of a festival fan, but I have gone around with my hobbit picking up the different dance emotes and some cosmetics. While doing the quests I noticed someone spamming a barfing emote in the middle of the party tree area, but didn’t realize it was the heave emote from the festival until your podcast. Yeah…I think I’ll pass on that one.

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