LOTRO Academy: 22 – Security

LOTRO Academy
Rise of Isengard™ is the next expansion pack for Lord of the Rings Online™ and will release on September 27. It’s available for pre-purchase right now, so Branick and crew are here to go over the differences between the three Editions available, in order to help you choose which is right for you. For our main topic, we offer some security tips, suggestions, and recommendations to help you stay safe in today’s era of increasing cyber-crime.

7 thoughts on “LOTRO Academy: 22 – Security”

  1. A good episode on an important subject! I also have been listening to Steve Gibson’s ‘Security Now’ podcast, and I recommend people check out episode 303 ‘Password Haystacks’ at http://www.grc.com/securitynow.htm where Steve talks about how to make strong AND memorable passwords. There are also transcripts available, which makes for convenient web browsing.

    I think I’m going to pre-order the Legendary package of Isenguard; as a premium member, the extra quest packs are a compelling value even though I already own a couple of them.

    I hope that Turbine will eventually offer two-factor authentication tokens, as Blizzard did with WoW a few years ago. (Thankfully, Blizzard didn’t go with RSA’s version given that company’s massive security breach.) While LOTRO isn’t as big a target for hackers, let’s not wait for that to happen before making accounts more secure!

  2. Sorry to hear about getting stuck in Trollshaws, Myst – that area can be nasty, and difficult to navigate. Might I suggest head to Evendim, if you own that zone? It is a little easier to get around, nice experience to around 40, and there are plenty of places right by the water to have a picnic!

    Nice tips on security – I might have to check out some of those programs you mentioned. Personal information is personal for a reason – keep it that way!

    (PS – for my own “This week in LOTRO”, I managed to get my female hobbit guardian, Loonesta, to 65! Still learning the ins and outs of tanking, but it’s pretty fun)

  3. Another security tip is just to avoid shady websites and those you don’t know but happen to be filled with ad banners. One misclick and you could end up all sorts of nastiness. There’s a reason ads all over the place, even reputable places like YouTube, have a very small “x” to click when you want to close the ad and that trick is not exclusive to people trying to sell you junk on the internet.

    Questionable links not only come through emails but also certain instant messaging programs. I got a link from one of my friends over MSN back in college and stupidly clicked the link, which then sent the same message to all my online friends while simultaneously downloading all sorts of goodies. Yeah, not a great weekend of reformatting my computer. So be wary of links wherever they come from.

  4. Another great podcast! This subject can not be stressed enough. Mysteri mentioned that people think that they will never get hit with a cyber attack. This is the worst thing anyone could ever think. I was hacked through my email. Although it was just annoying spam mail hack, it bothered me greatly. I started using very complex passwords. I also stopped staying logged into my email accounts.

    Also, I am going to give the KeePass program a shot. That sounds like a greay way to manage passwords.

  5. Once again a great episode. I am hooked! Although it was a dry, but very important subject, you guys made it not seem like I was trying to eat an orc! Thank you for your imput on my last comment. To clearify I am not to worried if people laugh at me either I just wanted to be more role playing minded. I want to seperate the D & D world from Middle Earth world. But again as per my leasons from Master Mcquiggin, he also told me to read the books as I play LOTRO and I did find spots where “Hail” and “Well met” were used! Before I go I did have a question for Mystri..With all your talk of dying do you have any toons with the “Undying” title? I seem to lose mine at levels 18-19! Keep up the great work and I look forward to the “Terminology” episode!

  6. A very helpful episode. I was not expecting to really pick up any tips from this,regarding myself as fairly computer savvy. However I actually learnt a great deal of easily implemntable information.

    It was great to see you in game Branick. Maybe someday we can group up and take on some of those dungeons you have been missing out on.

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