LOTRO Academy: 11 – Internet Resources

LOTRO Academy
In this episode we discuss some changes to the LOTRO Academy site and go over a variety of other websites and podcasts that we find useful, seeking to introduce you to several resources every LOTRO player should have at his or her disposal. Thanks for listening!

9 thoughts on “LOTRO Academy: 11 – Internet Resources”

  1. Good evening friends. Thanks for the info on sites. I havent had a lot of questions in my travels that my friends have not been able to answer but when I have wanted to know about a certain class ability or trait I usually go to Lotro wiki. Just to let you know I checked out the Tolkien professor pod cast and after the first episode immediately downloaded the next ten episodes. They are very fun to listen to for a hardcore Tolkien fan like myself. Branick, Im glad to hear that I am not the only one to have an iPod that I use with windows. We will hang in there and not fall to the forces of apple purism. Without my iPod I would never have found this podcast so therefore, I am thankful for it. Happy questing and I’ll keep my eye out for you on crickhollow.

  2. Thanx for listening and posting Collin. I have had cause to go to the LotRO Wiki more in the past two weeks than ever before, but usually for technical stuff. Yes I was there again this week working out how to get a signature, but I failed. I just don’t see the User CP at all on my screen no matter where I look.

    I am sure i-pods have their uses and I might actually have to break down and get one myself. They come in Green don’t they? 😀

    Thanx again for listening and I am going to check out the Professor podcast soon soon. 🙂

    Have fun

  3. Yes I believe you can get green IPods and after using mine for six months I would highly reccomend getting one, especially a iPod touch. Is it just me or does leveling characters in Lotro get really hard past level 20?

  4. I personally recommend the iPod Classic, because I use my iPod for audio content only. I don’t need a smart phone without the phone. The iPod Classic is, by far, the most cost effective mp3 player when you consider the dollars to storage size ratio, so it’s perfect for my needs.

    As for leveling in LOTRO, I wouldn’t say that it gets so hard after 20, but that around level 20 is when the classes really start to come together. I would suggest listening to the class roundtable for your class over at A Casual Stroll to Mordor (Rune-keeper forthcoming). Or just try experimenting with all your skills until you find something more effective. And if you haven’t yet, talk to a bard and see what traits work best for your playstyle. Don’t just pick the traits with the highest ranks. Pick the traits you want, then work on ranking them up. I hope that helps.

  5. Thank you very much for all the praise for our site. It was very flattering to listen to and I’ll make sure our writers know how much they are appreciated!

    And you are 100% correct. My 2 favorite things in LOTRO are festivals and clothing 🙂

  6. I thoroughly enjoyed the show and thanks for the praise too (and your comment about new player friendly on the group play echoed ours)! I listen regularly and really enjoy it when you come out with a new one. Always worth listening to. Keep up the good work!

  7. I have now listened to a bit of secrets of middle earth. Hmm…I’m not quite sure what to think of it. In some ways it seems sort of corny. I dunno, I think I prefer the Tolkien professor.

  8. Tolkien Professor is definitely better for in-depth lore-related content, but I enjoy Secrets of Middle-earth as a fun examination of the game world. Still, it’s not for everyone, just like LOTRO Academy isn’t for everyone. Don’t feel bad if you can’t get into it. 🙂

  9. The secrets of lord of the rings is a good podcast – Father Roderick makes it sound like you are in the area with him.

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