This episode has been a long time coming. We had planned to cover fellowships much earlier, but were unable to for a variety of reasons until now. This time, neither flood, nor recording difficulties, nor software crashes during editing could keep it from you. If you’ve been hesitant to group up with your fellow LOTRO players, this is the episode for you.
Podcast: Play in new window | Download (44.5MB)
Speaking of over looking, I’d never noticed the ‘purple ring of aggro’, so to speak. My main is a Lore-Master and I’ve been playing one for very nearly four years. When grouping I’m mostly looking at people’s stats to see if they need a heal or power, and then of course at mobs that need to be kept at bay or whatnot. I’ve never, that I recall, looked down. This bit of info gives me a great tool to use when playing and helping others in groups. Thanks for an awesome podcast, looking forward to more.
You’re welcome Ranni, thanks for listening.
another useful podcast, great job!
By the way sorry about the confusion last episode about my name, SoC is my clan tag and i forget to not use it sometimes. My main characters name is Turon on crickhollow. Im not sure if I missed it but did you mention that the captain is also a fairly good healer as well as support. While he cant do a lot of healing early on I have found that he is a handy class to have around in fellowships and skirmishes later on. The major drawback is that being more of a support class its a bit harder to lvl a captain up then it would a damage class. (ie a champion/hunter)I started playing the game with a few friends since it went free to play and we are almost always in a fellowship so we can help each other as needed. We also use our clan’s Teamspeak server so that is very useful in communication. But in most skirms, I have found it very important to have a variety of classes to face different circumstances, for example. A guardian to be a damage sponge, a champion/hunter/warden to deal out the damage, and last of all a good support/healer class such as a rune-keeper/mistral or even a captain. Just throwing my ideas in, and sorry for the long post.
Wow thanks for mentioning my Ui skin mod from this week episode,I did not expect it like you said.:-)
I was quite shock which made me spill my drink and loose my balance on the gameplay when I was facing a mob at the same time.
About this week podcast,I did not know about the purple circle for the hunter when you get aggro cue.
There so many things I have learned from the podcast especially on the older podcast about the color of the vital’s mobs agrro and none aggro.
Thanks again for this week podcast and have a nice weekend.
As Jan 22 2011,the Blue,Red and Purple Ui are updated.
I’m working on the Green UI on Sunday which I should have it done that day.
once again,thanks.
Yay for green… Is there any other colour really???
Thanx for all the comments guys and I will look forward to the green updated UI..
Have fun
Great podcast guys. I find it to be a pleasure to listen to while running around in Lotro or while I fish and have nothing else to do. I even made a character on Arkenstone last week after hearing you guys were all there.
I find myself constantly coming back to this site to check for updates. What most interests me is how you apply the info you have to each person’s situation as a Captain, Mini etc. That really present an overall view for people who haven’t played all those characters or who want to know a bit more about their role in groups.
Anyway, keep up the great update schedule and Mysteri, I share your enthusiasm on the green UI. =]
Hey Lily,
Glad to know there are fellow green lovers out there and great news on making a character on the Arkenstone Server
You will have to say “hi” when you see us there. If I don’t say “G’day” back, well it is cos 9 time out of 10 I don’t have the chat server
But I can IM if u send me one.
I am glad that the podcast is keeping you entertained and it is also something that I keep coming back to just so I can refresh my grey matter on something.
Look forward to seeing you on Arkenstone and most of all….
Have Fun