LOTRO Academy: 6 – Skirmishes Part 1

LOTRO Academy
This episode marks the first of a two-part series on skirmishes. Even so, the episode weighs in at a hefty hour and a half, with plenty of content left for next week. Be sure to leave a comment with any skirmish related questions you have and we’ll do our best to answer them next week in Skirmishes Part 2.

6 thoughts on “LOTRO Academy: 6 – Skirmishes Part 1”

  1. I’ve been playing LotRO for just over a year. I have a level 65 Guardian, Explorer on Arkenstone named MikeGar.

    I’ve really enjoyed listening to your podcasts. They remind me of my early days in LotRO.

    I’m not certain if you touched on this but the NPC’s in the skirmishes claim half of your xp when they help kill an opponent. That’s one of the reasons Thievery and Mischief is a popular skirmish. No NPC’s at all.

    In Stand at Amon Sul the Ranger is very powerful. He often kills opponents by himself. So when the opponents appear I make sure I run around and hit them all at least once. That way I get at least half of the XP.


  2. Thanx for the tips Mike of Arkenstone 🙂 I will be skirmishing my heart out tomorrow so I hope to use all that I have learnt and have some fun.

    Have fun.

  3. Great intro to skirmishes for new players. I enjoyed listening to it and glad y’all kept the little gaffes (lore keeper made me lol) in there. As the OP stated, NPC’s can leech your EXP if you let them. IF your main goal in skirmishes is EXP, then you can do the following: In Seige of Gondamon, you can let the npc’s die (not Mathi) but remember to pick up those attacks…reminder that this will reduce your amount of marks. In Trouble, for the counter attacks, I usually move forward towards the incoming mob so that the NPCs are never involved. For Amon Sul, not much i can add, Candaith is a beast and it’s very hard to compete with him.
    Couillon, warden, various 65s on Brandywine and Riddermark.

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