LOTRO Academy: 5 – Auction House Gold

LOTRO Academy
Branick, Mysteri, and Ramesey discuss buying and selling on the Auction House as well as other ways to make money in LOTRO.

4 thoughts on “LOTRO Academy: 5 – Auction House Gold”

  1. Excellent show guys! I allways use the AH to sell the items I craft but I just noticed the complete absence of an auction house price database like the one wow has… I have been looking on the internet for it but I cant find anything on the prices of items,recipies ecc.

  2. Hey there guys.

    Thanx for your comments. I have been using some of the tips that I learnt in the podcast and have been having fun with the AH. Haven’t really sold much, but I will 🙂

    I didn’t know that there was a AH price database for WOW as I have never played it and never even thought to look for a similar thing for LoTRO. I will have a look and ask around and see if one exists zangraP and if it does, will be sure to send you a link.

    Thanx for posting again guys 🙂
    Have fun

  3. I am catching up to the latest and so far I am loving the podcast. I am a seasoned gamer but its nice to get a refresher course on LotRO. Thanks guys! 🙂

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