LOTRO Academy: 3 – Leveling to 20

LOTRO Academy
In the third episode of LOTRO Academy, Branick, Mysteri, and Ramesey welcome Areuhat to the team. The four of us kick off the first episode of our regular weekly schedule with the basics of getting to level 20, from the Introductions, to getting your first house. If we left anything out or you have any questions, feel free to leave a comment below, send us an email, or look for us in Middle-earth.

4 thoughts on “LOTRO Academy: 3 – Leveling to 20”

  1. Thank you guys so much for putting this podcast together. As a new player to LOTRO you guys are invaluable. Especially handy this episode to me:
    The tips on buying a house
    The great idea of using the starting horse whistle to unlock stables (brilliant!!)

    If you see the burglar Rono running around Landroval, wave hi!

  2. Thanks for another excellent podcast – I’m just getting to 20 with my characters so I found great value in your information.

  3. Just wanted to stop by and say that I really like the podcast. I’m a fan of your Dragon Age podcast as well and this has really gotten me into playing lotro.

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