Embers of Hope Chapter 6: Detained in Lakedeep

Embers of Hope Chapter 6: Detained in Lakedeep

Jun 13, 2017

Claire’s words came true a few seconds later. The sizable drawbridge fell across the fast flowing river, which also served as a moat. Zaradanoric and John watched as a small squadron of soldiers marched in formation around a man who seemed to be mildly important. John leaned over to Zaradanoric and whispered, “The mug in the center. If he is who I think he is....

Embers of Hope Chapter 5: The Demise of Streamdale

Embers of Hope Chapter 5: The Demise of Streamdale

May 2, 2017

The four men continued their battle against the raging flames while they waited for reinforcements. The wind had begun to pick up and was blowing the flames into the valley but it was spreading slowly because of a recent rain. Near sunrise Landry returned with twenty more men to help them battle the blaze. Urgently they fought the flames slowly reclaiming the...

Embers of Hope Chapter 4: The Abandoned Hills

Embers of Hope Chapter 4: The Abandoned Hills

May 1, 2017

As their entourage traveled towards a small trading village in the hills, John was muttering about the time they were making. However, Zaradanoric was overcome with weariness and drifted off to sleep. Dreams provided no shelter for him. Zaradanoric relived the raid on his home eighteen winters ago and his flight to safety. Yet this time he watched from his own...

Embers of Hope Chapter 3: Days of Plenty

Embers of Hope Chapter 3: Days of Plenty

Mar 10, 2017

A week later Zaradanoric felt able to travel again. He had spent much time while he was waiting with Katherine Oaklane, the intriguing lore-master. Partially, this was due to the manner of his wounds, which required expert skill that she had the knowledge of. After that night on the cliff fighting the possessor spirit, the two had grown closer as friends and...

Embers of Hope Chapter 2: Phantom Victory

Embers of Hope Chapter 2: Phantom Victory

Feb 25, 2017

Zaradanoric was stirred to wakefulness by an argument outside the barrack walls. By the looks of the sky it was nearing evening. Zaradanoric stiffly sat up, stretched, and then removed his breastplate and shoulders. He laid his armor on the ground next to his bag and strode outside to see what the argument was about. Outside there was a group of people arguing...

Aradathalion Reviews: Bree-land Pt. 2: North Bree and Beyond

Aradathalion Reviews: Bree-land Pt. 2: North Bree and Beyond

Feb 23, 2017

Welcome back to the second part of my review. This covers my hands down favorite portion of Bree as a region. I spent a significant amount of time here throughout my questing. North Bree and Beyond Aesthetics: These are some of the most fun in the game. The Old Forrest is very unnerving and gets the mysterious feel just right. Nestled in the center of it all is...

Aradathalion Reviews: Bree-land Part 1: South Bree

Aradathalion Reviews: Bree-land Part 1: South Bree

Feb 21, 2017

Alright folks, apologies on the time gap between articles. The holiday season and restarting school takes a lot of time. This is going to be a multi-part series because of the magnitude of Bree-land. This area is kinda the big party zone for every one. It is the largest quest area for free to play characters and is the zone where you take off the training...

Embers of Hope Chapter I: Journey to the South

Zaradanoric sat up quickly in bed his chest hurting and his brow sweaty. As he gasped for breath he realized that it was the same dream that had plagued him for nearly 15 years. He relived the flight almost every night and this was no different. He strode over to the dormitory window and looked out upon Esteldin’s inner court trying to settle his heart....

Embers of Hope Prologue IV: Danger in the Dark

             As they sprinted up the hill, a howl erupted in the dark followed by several others. This only caused the dwarf and boy to sprint faster up the hill. When they reached the summit nearly out of breath, Barain dropped his pack and drew his axe. Then he turned to Zaradanoric but saw that he already had his fathers broken sword drawn. The dwarf...

Embers of Hope Prologue III: The Journey Ahead

            Zaradanoric awoke the next morning refreshed. As Zaradanoric ate breakfast Althanier told him that Barain would only be in the village for another day and they would need to prepare for their travel. Zaradanoric listened and thought then he remembered something. “Althanier, what happened to the sword pieces I was carrying? They are very important to...

Aradathalion Reviews: Ered Luin

This article (and series to follow)  is not a in depth delving into the region. This is just a Frodo Average’s review of an area combined with some opinion and personal experience mixed in. I hope you enjoy. This is one of the three (technically four) starter regions in game. This is where Elves and Dwarfs will spend the majority of levels 4-15 (if you...

Embers of Hope Prologue II: Old Friends, New Connections

             When he awoke, Zaradanoric had no idea where he was. Opening his eyes, he saw a large piece of leather supported by branches. As his eyes slowly roved the tent the events that had occurred before he blacked out flooded his mind. He sat up and looked around for people. as he did one of the Earth-Kin entered the tent; he appeared to be a healer of...

Embers of Hope Prologue 1: It All Fades to Black

“Come on you slow poke! I will beat you if you don’t hurry.” The tall, brown haired, young girl teased as she dashed towards the barn that was obscured by hills. “What? You don’t think that I can catch you? I am faster then the wind.” A slightly shorter, skinny boy, who was around her age, shouted. As he left the house running, he promptly tripped on a root and...

Why LOTRO Will Endure (or An Essay on What I Like About The Game)

In the uncertainty surrounding the renewal of the game license past 2017 the doom and gloomers have struck again on the official forums. What I would like to do is take a few minutes to lay out my case on what makes this game so special to me and other people and why it will last.  Being in Tolkien’s world. This is something many of us have read about and...

Letters to my Brother Pt. 7

Dear Brother, It is good to hear that you are safe in Bree. There are many men of upstanding reputation there. I will caution you on your vow. Those typically have a habit of coming to pass in a fairly ironic manner. Particularly, when made on a power of great evil in such times. It is good you chose a trade to engage in that will help to pass the time. I will...

Letters to My Brother Interlude 1

Swathed in billowing black cloaks in the shadow-blanketed room, a storm of darkness may well have surrounded Dullathaen.  He knelt down before a tall man on a small stool, a man closed like an iron chest, yet exposed as a sick animal.  He protected his identity with the shadow upon his face. “You say it is Eru’s will,” Dullathaen said quietly; he could...

Letters to My brother Pt. 6

Dearest Brother, To begin with, I am now in Bree.  For reasons I will not say, I am moving there for an indefinite period of time.   As of last, you knew of course that I would go to Bree, but at that time, it was a temporary arrangement.  That is no longer so. Perhaps, given the time and reason—and our meeting—I shall explain.  Do not worry, for father and...

Letters to my Brother Pt. 5

Dear Brother, As far as home and my departure are concerned there are no comparisons to Avorthal but enough of my departure. Yes, my mother is as skilled a minstrel as father is a champion so I hope his recovery will be swift. Senrathalion says he enjoyed working with you during your stay in Mirkwood but to keep practicing, as you will need it. At that time he...

An Irreverent LOTRO-Player Psychological Profile

An Irreverent LOTRO-Player Psychological Profile

Jun 26, 2016

The credit for this goes to some kinnies and a person on the LOTRO Forums named Colred and they found it on the LOTRO Forums and wanted to save it. This is extraordinarily tongue-in-cheek and I laughed really hard when I read it and wanted to share it. It is a few years old but it is still relevant and very accurate. Hope you enjoy!   The Guardian: The...

Letters to my Brother Pt. 4

Arad, You tell me sorry news.  I am sorry for Avorthal, though I have not met him.  And I equally feel sorry for his father.  No man deserves to lose his only son and not know where he lies.  Funny, but such a scenario is familiar to me somehow. So, you have met Senrathalion?  I confess, I do not know the other one, but before father and your mother met, I...