This week we discussed Update 26.2.1, Valar upgrades, and our week in LOTRO.
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Game News
Next week: Start of the Tournament of the Twins on the Bombadil server
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LOTRO Players News
New Player Question
When’s the best time to use a Valar on a character whose class you’ve never played before?
- Teri did chores for bears. AGAIN. *sigh* Also slew an epic crapton of Anduin Badgers with Pineleaf while Sans was afk.
- Ran Stealtherella around in the Misties with some of the other Grrlz of Middle-earth in preparation for someday playing with the group on a Grrlz day.
- Seriously considering another storage alt, because Saryssa has way too much stuff from the Moors in her inventory right now.
- New burg Heistia is now level 40, just in time for Grrlz tomorrow (Sunday) night. 20+ levels in a week! And we discovered you can only run an instance 10 times in an hour. Rawr!
- Khelevorn has caught up with his Hunter ports up to Galtrev (which is actually slightly ahead of where he and Gale currently are in the Bonevales).
- The Witch-King came adventuring with us in the Misties. Along with a kite named DangerChicken (Hopeful Swan Kite) and a huge red gnome. There are screencaps.
- Having a Kin is awesome: Tomorrow’s upcoming event, and a real cool thing that Luinori and Heleri and I did today. (And this includes a Mordor update, and questing update)
- I ‘Jumped at the Chance’ to have an adventure with Sanswinda, and now have a fun milestone for when I want to do absolutely nothing.
- Last night, much laughter and deeding happened while assisting Operation: Level the Burg(s)
- Toured Lyndelby and it is awesome!
- Made it to the start of the next round of epic battles on the field trip.
- Convinced Cyndars to venture into the Wells of Langflood questing area to start working on getting her to Lyndelby.
- My Anor warden chased wargs off of some farms in Wildermore
- My main warden finished up questing in Limlók.
- On Friday Night Fights, we ran The Bells of Dale, Siege of Gondamon, and the Fornost Water Wing.
News Beyond LOTRO
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This week we did not receive any reviews.
Featured Comments
Glambold writes:
I complained about the Light of Eärendil in Episode #288, for the Howling Pits and am still mystified why SSG has a Light requirement in this quest?
What are your thoughts on Light going forward?
Glambold (Landroval)
Roger Darkmoor writes:
Greetings all,
I have been finishing up the Book 1 quests up in Ost Guruth, and I swear Radagast sounds just like Gandalf! Have any of you noticed this? I don’t know if he is just trying to fool me or what, but I see his name above his head and it says Radagast. So, it ain’t working.
Anyways, two shows ago ( I think) last hitting was mentioned in relation to the moors. Do you have to last hit as a creep to get credit for a kill? If so, that kinda sucks. It sounds like getting a solo kill on a freep is really hard, and needing a group to kill just one freep sounds like you have to get lucky to get the last hit. Unless everyone is taking turns on who gets the last hit.
Thank you all for doing the podcast.
I apologize for stirring up some ire over ” op bears “. Would it help to mention that i was not in bear form when I killed those mobs that were 10 lvls over me?
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Final Thoughts
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Hey All! Fun podcast again. Totally agree with everything you said about the “light Gear”, But as far as it being the worst thing SSG ever came up with, I have to say it comes in second. Radiance Gear was by far the worst thing in my opinion. but I know it is a matter of debate, and you also needed to be there and lived through it, and maybe have been a raider…. when it launched. Thanks for keeping this Podcast going! Take care and live long and prosper….(ops, crossing the streams…) .:)
People asked about Howling Pit in forums. They said that instance was developed earlier, during Mordor end game. Of course that doesn’t answer why they didn’t remove shadow before release, but at least we know why it is there.
Also there was a lot of discussion and suggestions about LoE before Minas Morgul release. We know they were hesitating about it but finally decided to remove LoE/shadow in new expansion. Since they did that it’s pretty obvious it’s another abandoned mechanic in game.
In my opinion they should remove shadow from game altogether or add more passive LoE at higher levels. It ends at 80 at level 119, which is another proof they were debating about it before MM release. In current state of things it’s really hard to do old Abyss raid (especially t2) without obsolete LoE gear. Same thing with howling pit…