Greetings LOTRO Players,
With many bands having to take time to reorganize files some have had to alter their performance dates. All information presented here is to the best of my knowledge, accurate. If you wish to have an event listed, please leave a comment or email me at I will happily insert new events for this week also.
For all those bands who play a regular concert if your concert is missing please send me a note to let me know if your band is still performing.
Name: Nibbles and Nobs / Ales and Tales.
Server: Landroval
Time: 8.30 Nibbles – 9.30 t0 11.30 A&T.
Location: Bag End, Hobbiton.
Name: Elevenses
Server: Crickhollow
Time: 11.oopm to 12.30am
Location: Ost Guruth.
Name: Runic Knights Orchestra
Server: Landroval
Time: 9.00pm
Location: Bree Park.
Name: Eldar Music Night (Hosted by The Little Wanderers)
Server: Eldar
Time: 2.00pm to 4.00pm
Location: Bree Stage.
Name: Bird and Baby Yard Party.
Server: Laurelin
Time: 2.30pm to 4.00pm
Location: The Bird and Baby Inn, Michel Delving.
Name: Concerning Hobbits – Party Time
Server: Landroval
Time: 8.30 to 10.00pm
Location: Bird and Baby Inn, Michel Delving.
The parties feature games, music, pies, light RP, and prizes. Party games (which rotate out week-to-week) include the Bad Joke Contest, Hot Tater, Hide-a-Hobbit, Drunken Backwards Racing, and more.
Name: Frequency Modulators.
Server: Landroval
Time: 7.00pm to 8.30pm
Location: South Bree Stables
Name: Eriador Music Society
Server: Landroval
Time: 10.30pm to 11.30pm
Location: Michel Delving (Statue).
Name: Die Meisterbarden Von Bree
Server: Vanyar
Time: 2.00pm to 4.oopm
Location: Auction House, Bree.
Name: Green Dragon Friday – 7th Anniversary Warm Up Party.
Server: Laurelin
Time: 3.00pm to 5.00pm
Location: Green Dragon Drinking Establishment, Bywater, In The Shire.
Name: A Rock and a Hard Place
Server: Dwarrowdelf
Time: 4.00pm to 5.00pm
Location: West Gate Bree, Opposite the Stable Master.
Name: Bread and Jam
Server: Crickhollow
Time: 9.00pm
Location: Inside- The Prancing Pony Inn, Bree.
Name: The Breakfast Club
Server: Crickhollow
Time: 1.00pm
Location: South Bree Stables, Bree Town.
Name: Under The Sunlit Sky
Server: Landroval
Time: 3.00pm to 4.00pm
Location: Prancing Pony, Bree-town.
Name: The Songs of the Water
Server: Laurelin
Time: 8.00pm BST
Location: Little Delving.
Name: Animal House
Server: Landroval
Time: 9.00pm to Midnight.
Location: Prancing Pony Stable Courtyard.
Name: Bards, Beers and Long Beards
Server: Landroval
Time: 0.00am (Sat Midnight) to 1.00am.
Location: Outside – Prancing Pony. Bree.
Name: The Andune Ensemble
Server: Landroval
Time: 3.00pm to 4.00pm
Location: Bree Stage.