LOTRO Store Sales 12/24/14 – 01/01/15

Free Sample Of The Week
Dec. 24th – Jan. 1st
Max Morale & Power Scroll x1 Use Coupon Code MMP76 1/Account


25% Off

Legendary Slot Unlock

295 222

Drac Says – No Just No… Thumbs_Down-Custom


Legacy Tier Upgrades

295 222

Drac Says – No Just No… Thumbs_Down-Custom


195-795 146-596

Drac Says – No Just No… Thumbs_Down-Custom

Scroll of Combination

795 596

Drac Says – No Just No… Thumbs_Down-Custom

Relic Removal Scroll

195 146

Drac Says – No Just No… Thumbs_Down-Custom

Universal Solvent

40-700 30-525

Drac Says – No Just No… Thumbs_Down-Custom


December Weekend Specials (Final Week)

Dec 24th – 28th

  • 35% off Relics
  • 35% off Gift of the Valar
  • 25% off Quest Pack: Central Gondor

One comment

  1. To the lay person passing by – yes Drac is not a big fan of LI sales. That being said, it should be objectively noted that all but one of these items can be attained by some means in-game.

    The exception to this list is the Legendary Slot Upgrade, which I’d see as a potential good deal should you need it. This store purchase is the only means to increase the amount of LIs you can slot in your panel, and could come in handy depending on your class. For example, should you be a guardian (tanking, DPS) or minstrel (healing, DPS), and run multiple specs with multiple sets of LIs, it can be handy to have an extra slot or two to accompany having different specs of LIs ready to go/level.

    There has also been hints of a possible update to the legendary system, which may or may not make it easier to stick with an LI and let it level with you. This could make individuals who don’t run with multiple specced-out LI sets possibly more willing to have the extra slots to get some additional LIs going. On the other hand, maybe we’ll need less LI slots if we won’t need to be constantly leveling additional LIs to decon again and again for the next set of legacies for the next level tier of LI.

    Either way, I’d at least consider the Legendary Slot Upgrade – while it is a per-character purchase (buying it will only add a LI slot for the character purchased upon), something I’m not usually a huge fan of (love them account-wide purchases!), I think the fair price is something to consider when working on your Legendary Items.

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