Fellowship of the Creeps Episode 36

Fellow of Creeps LP PicThis week on Fellowship of the Creeps we go all over the map taking outposts and defeating Freeps.  Near the end the tides turn and we find ourselves running from the Freeps.

This week I did a lot for the site and also finally made it back to my Wildermore play through.

This week Shurz worked on his lore master and guardian.

This week Spridra continues to quest in Wildermore as she gets closer to the end.

This week Aranthier continues his fun with his recently purchased Skyrim game.

Pineleaf went crazy this week with a six hour skirmish marathon and even if you take out that awesome content he still did more than all of us combined.  That is dedication!

Fellowship of the Creeps is a pre-recorded show but you can join us in game during the recording at 5pm Eastern (server time) on Landroval server.  We create an open group each week that anyone on Landroval can join.  Thanks for watching and see you again next week!


  1. Lilikate Buggins. /

    The creeps have a new viewer! Lizzy (5yrs) who has two characters in LOTRO was slightly confused at the role reversal aspect of the moors but wants to watch it again next week:)

  2. Andang /

    Very cool! Thanks for letting us know Lilikate!

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