Submit Your Steed: Marshmellow

This is Marshmellow and his Rider, Kynta.

Character: Kynta (Hobbit Minstrel)
Server: Gladden
WarPony: Marshmellow (light steed)
Hide: Default, white coloring
Body: Light Caparison of the Norcrofts in Evendim Blue
Legs: Light Leggings of the Norcrofts in Evendim Blue

Died to match his rider’s traditional outfit (since lvl 10)


  1. Brandon /

    I know that bratty hobbit!!

  2. I am NOT a brat. I am a cute, adorable, AWESOME hobbit minstrel who has saved your hunter/warden/LM/Captain butt way to many times to count. For that comment, you owe me 2 dozen cookies. HA!

  3. Brandon /

    See, Brat!

  4. Gonna have to side with the hobbit on this one. I will require some cookies as well.

    • Sig, his house is right down the street from me in the Shire Homesteads…I’m sure we can form some kind of hobbit/dwarf raiding party to confiscate the cookies…when he’s not home. 😀

    • Brandon /

      Everyone always takes the hobbit’s side. :/

    • That’s cause we’re cute and everyone loves us. 😀

      • Brandon /

        Yeah yeah. I do know how much wargs love those cute tasty hobbits 😀

  5. You’re warg still owes my hobbit her life for saving him from that trap…indefinitely.
    And two, why are you arguing with me here…again…isn’t in-game enough? People probably think you’re crazy or something. (even though I know the truth and you are but shhh…i didn’t say that).

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