LOTRO Academy: 58 – Skirmishes Part 6

LOTRO Academy
In the 6th episode of our ongoing series on Skirmishes in The Lord of the Rings Online™, Branick and Mysteri get in-depth lessons on each of the Mirkwood skirmishes, including Strike Against Dannenglor, Protectors of Thangulhad, Breaching the Necromancer’s Gate, Assault on the Ringwraith’s Lair, and The Battle in the Tower. Thanks for listening.


  1. Steve Olson (Readthewind - Brandywine) /

    Dear Lotro Academy Crew:
    You should do a update-followup episode on crafting & Crafting Guilds. Intermediate or advanced topic.

    I just learned that you can make (Craft)a first age legendary Weapon & Crafted Relics for your Legendary Weapon.

    Love the Podcast – Keep up the good work.

  2. Zyngor /

    Great job on the overview of these skirms. I think Myst’s grandson screaming put it best whenever I decide I’m masochistic enough to face Ruingalad (if I see that encounter appear, I will go ahead and clear the whole main courtyard first to make sure I have plenty of kiting room if need be).

    For being free-to-all skirmishes (provided you reach the proper epics, of course), I do have to agree in the point that they are pretty darn fun skirmishes – to me, more fun than many of the other VIP/purchasable skirms (at least, for me, I’m really not very fond of Stand at Amon Sul – might be my least favorite).

    When they added special rewards via an extra lootable chest in skirmish raids (for RoI, I believe), this really helped to highlight some of the different mechanics that arise in large-group versions of this group of skirmishes. Whether it be seeing for how much damage the Thangulhad boss could wallop you, to the crippling fear of grims and limrafn in Dannenglor, all of the skirmishes have such a different *feel* than other skirmishes, probably largely due to the nature of Mirkwood during the time of this game.


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